Blog: February 2015
Learning and working at XTBG
Faith Jones I realised it was about time I wrote about the work I have been doing here at XTBG
Publication date: 24 February 2015
Where will the children play?
Katie Breneol What will become of a generation of children who no longer can be found running in the meadows, making mud pies, climbing trees or collecting insects? What will the world look like when these little ones grow and begin making political decisions? What will their values be? Where will nature be found?
Publication date: 21 February 2015
Elephant Skin
Samuel Herniman If you have ever had the urge to have some elephant skin displayed on your mantelpiece, Xishuangbanna is the place to go.
Publication date: 12 February 2015
Here in China
Katie Breneol My first impressions of China had been laced with cold, futuristic buildings and layers of smog. Of course there is more to my quick judgements but these were just my thoughts at face value ...
Publication date: 11 February 2015
Publication date: 11 February 2015