Latest Blog
Celebrate Christmas with us
Publication date: 26 November 2024
Unfinished business
By Sam Herniman It is time for me to say goodbye to Xishuangbanna, goodbye to my newfound friends, and goodbye to the wonderful biodiversity that is present here.
Publication date: 1 June 2015
My fantastic experience in Wild Elements
Ruby Hong (Geng Yanhong) During April, I have taken part in several wonderful activities in Wild Elements, a forest school in Bangor. As an environmental educator from China, I cannot stop thinking the differences of education between China and UK.
Publication date: 27 May 2015
Two Dragons Garden mini-conference
Sophie Williams
Publication date: 28 April 2015
Medicinal Plants and Many People
Ellinor Mary Dobie Dr. Sarah Edwards had come all the way from Royal Botanic Kew Gardens to Bangor University to give a talk on Medicinal Plants, which I was greatly looking forward to
Publication date: 26 April 2015